Eng / Rus



W E L C O M E !


      P L A T E S


    B O X E S


    E A S T E R   E G G S






         I live and work in Saint-Petersburg (Russia). I graduated from Traditional Arts

                  College  majoring  in  Porcelain  painting.    I  worked  at  Imperial  Porcelain

                  Manufactory and at “Farfor” factory  applying my qualification several years.

                  Presently  I am a free artist.   My  works   have  been  exhibited  in  England,

                  Germany, Russia.  My picture “Peter and Paul’s Fortress” has been chosen

                  for the participation in the next stage of  the competition  Lexmark European

                  Art Prize ' 2004.    

                  I do not  make copies of  my works,  therefore they all are unique.   I use

                  white  porcelain for painting made in France, Germany, Russia, Czechia.

                  I  have always  dreamt  of  showing  that  porcelain  painting  may  be  as

                  beautiful as canvas painting.  A porcelain for me is a material enabling to

                  blend the  plastic of forms and  beauty of painting.


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